Conectores solares

Always a good sign! Our weather-resistant solar connectors for cabling solar modules up to 1500 V are TÜV SÜD certified. The connector with the self-retaining cap nut and haptic feedback is compatible with many connectors from well-known manufacturers. Connector assembly can also be carried out fully automatically.

Para centrais fotovoltaicas até tensão do sistema 1.5kV

Código do Produto Article descriptionEscala de aperto em mmUnidade de embalagem
Conector M12 de 4 pólos com proteção contra vibração5.2 - 7.0100
sem contatos5.2 - 7.0100
sem contatos5.2 - 7.0700
Conector M12 de 4 pólos com proteção contra vibração5.2 - 710
Conector M12 de 4 pólos com proteção contra vibração5.2 - 7100


  • Extremely weatherproof and durable thanks to the high-quality materials and solid construction.
  • Compatible with other systems in the industry.
  • Ideal for fully automated connector assembly.
  • Self-retaining cap nut and contacting with haptic feedback simplify assembly and provide protection from tampering.
  • Double snap-in hooks secure the crimp contact to the connector.
  • Low contact resistance at the contact point between the connector and socket for efficient energy transmission.
  • Suitable for conductor cross-sections of up to 6 mm² for overcoming long cable distances.
  • With the TÜV SÜD testing mark.
  • Articles available with or without contacts. Articles without contacts available in different packaging units.

Âmbitos de aplicação

  • For the cabling of solar modules, inverters and stand-alone systems.
  • For modern, high-performance photovoltaic systems up to 1500 V.
  • For use with EPIC® SOLAR 4 GEN2 F mating connectors (socket insert).
  • Can be used with many ÖLFLEX® solar cables.
  • Plugged connections have protection class IP 68 (1 m for 1 h).

Tensão nominal em V

  • 1.5 kV

Corrente nominal em A

  • 50 A


  • UL94 V-0


  • Poliamida PA
  • PC Policarbonato

Tipo de proteção

  • IP68 (1h/1m)

Classe de proteção

  • II

Faixa de temperatura

  • -40°C até +85°C

  • As imagens e gráficos demonstradas não são reprodução fiel do produto, são meramente ilustrativos