Confecção de conexão monofásica ÖLFLEX® PLUG 540 P

PUR-sheathed ÖLFLEX® & 250V CEE single-phase plug for 230/400V TN grid

Robust ÖLFLEX® PLUG 540 P PUR power cable, harnessed, 250 V single-phase CEE plug per VDE 0620 and w/ IP20 or IP44 on 1st end, core crimp sleeves on 2nd end

  • Cabo de conexão PUR mecanicamente robusto, resistente a óleo com registro VDE
  • Conector monofásico de 250V moldado certificado de acordo com a norma VDE
  • Up to IP44 and/or K2 ability, depending on version

Engenharia de máquinas e instalaçõesRetardante de chamaTempo de montagemNecessidade de espaçoSegurançaTensãoResistente a UV


Código do Produto Corrente de cargaComprimento em mCor do revestimentoÍndice de cobre (kg/1.000 peças)
250V assembly with 2-pole, round CEE 7/17 pin attachment contour central plug without earth contact, IP20, PVC-based, regularly not for heavy-duty use conditions
2 X 0.752amarelo28,8
2 X 0.753,5amarelo50,4
2 X 0.755amarelo72
2 X 1.02amarelo38,4
2 X 1.03,5amarelo67,2
2 X 1.05amarelo96
2 X 1.52amarelo58
2 X 1.53,5amarelo101,5
2 X 1.55amarelo145
250V assembly with 2-pole CEE 7/7 Earth Contact central plug, IP44, PVC-based - regularly not for K2 heavy-duty conditions or for construction/ installation sites due to cable's 300/500V class
3 G 0.752amarelo43,2
3 G 0.753,5amarelo75,6
3 G 0.755amarelo108
3 G 1.02amarelo58
3 G 1.03,5amarelo101,5
3 G 1.05amarelo145
250V assembly with 2-pole CEE 7/7 Earth Contact central plug, IP44, PVC-based - thanks to cable's 450/750V class for K2 heavy-duty conditions or for construction/ installation sites if secluded from special use conditions
3 G 1.52amarelo86
3 G 1.53,5amarelo150,5
3 G 1.55amarelo215


  • Ready-to-connect hookup power assembly for time-saving installation
  • Accordance of 3G1.5mm² versions with IP44 SchuKo/ earth contact plug (recognizable by "P07 3G1,5” in those articles’ short descriptions) with certain, technical provisions by relevant third party, such as German BG, resp. DGUV, on heavy-duty mechanical conditions, industrial use category K2, increased, electrical hazard, construction/ assembly sites
  • Compatible with plug-fit systems type E and type F as well as with pin assignment according to the Czech CSN standard for extensive use in Europe
  • Durable product, thanks to oil-, MUD-, abrasion-, notch- and cut-resistant outer sheath material of the cable, as well as UV, ozone and hydrolysis resistance of the assembly
  • Yellow signal colour of the outer sheath for quick visual perception and prevention of accidents and damage

Âmbitos de aplicação

  • Assembly and construction of appliances and control cabinets, for mobile use in particular, plugged into regular, European TN infrastructure with U0/U = 230/400 V in nominal voltage @ 50 to 60 Hz in frequency
  • 3-core variants with protection type IP 44 are suitable for outdoor use in Europe, and are permitted to be exposed to falling rain
  • 3-core variants with protection type IP44 and a conductor cross-section of 1.5 mm² (recognizable by "P07 3G1.5" within the article name) are suitable for industrial use category 2 (K2) according to German BGI/ GUV-I 600, for use as heavy design type in case of extended electrical hazard according to German BGI 594, and for use under heavy-duty mechanical conditions according to DIN VDE 0620-2-1, including construction and assembly sites according to German DGUV Information 203-006 (BGI/ GUV-I 608) (provided that extraordinary operating circumstances are excluded)
  • 2-core variants with protection type IP 20 must not get in contact with water and are generally not intended for industrial applications or construction/ assembly sites
  • Attention during installation regarding Tensile Strain Relief: The supple material of the cable's single core insulations has got a floating nature/stretchability, thus during wiring it shall be made sure the cable's single cores are relieved from tensile strain. Unplugging from power source/ socket (female) by grasping and pulling on the black plug (male) only, not on the yellow cord

Características do produto

  • Cabo: ÖLFLEX® 540 P da LAPP, cabo de conexão de classe 5 flexível para flexão ocasional e com código da cor do condutor HD 308/ VDE 0293-308
  • Com revestimento externo amarelo do cabo PUR: Livre de halogênio, retardante de chamas de acordo com a IEC 60332-1-2, resistente a radiação UV, a ozônio e a abrasão, tenaz, resistente à hidrólise, resistente a micróbios, resistente a óleo de acordo com a EN 50363-10-2, resistência MUD em relação a fluidos de perfuração de acordo com o Anexo D da IEC 61892-4
  • The integrated cable ÖLFLEX® 540 P withstands high mechanical loads, and is resistant to acids, alkalis and mineral oils
  • Plug-fit systems Type E (French) and Type F: CEE 7/17 plugs w/o earthing contact equally plug-compatible with both systems, CEE 7/7 plug w/ earthing contact additionally earth contacting to both plug-fit systems
  • Depending on the product's ultimate standard version, IP protection type IP20 (CEE 7/17) or IP44 (CEE 7/7);
    Standard plugs with IP44 fulfil heavy-duty conditions as per Appendix C of VDE 0620-2-1;
    All standard plugs' joint rated ampacity as per DIN VDE 0620-2-1 is 16 A;
    Black plugs UV resistant

Referências às normas / Aprovações

  • Cabo ÖLFLEX® 540 P da LAPP:
    reg. VDE nº 6583 - 300/500 V até 1 mm²;
    reg. VDE nº 6584 - 450/750 V a partir de 1,5 mm²
  • Standard plugs and moulding designed and tested acc. to DIN VDE 0620-2-1 (and a number of related, national design standards) and accordingly KEMA-KEUR certified by notified body DEKRA
  • Standard plugs and moulding designed and tested acc. to IEC 60884-1 and accordingly IECEE/IEC certified by notified body DEKRA, on the basis of CB Scheme test procedure
  • Princípios padrões para a segunda extremidade processada (desencapado, descascado, crimpado): DIN EN 61238-1 (VDE 0220), DIN EN 60352-2

Projeto do produto

  • VDE-registered, flexible (conductor class 5 per IEC 60228), yellow, chemically resistant TPE/PUR power cable ÖLFLEX® 540 P with core identification code as per HD 308, and - subject to nominal conductor cross section - different, low, nominal IEC voltage classes U0/U (see "Technical data")
  • Black-coloured, non-reconnectable (moulded), 250 V rated single-phase plugs as per DIN VDE 0620-2-1
  • Plug-fit systems Type E (French) and Type F: CEE 7/17 plugs w/o earthing contact equally plug-compatible with both systems, CEE 7/7 plug w/ earthing contact additionally earth contacting to both plug-fit systems. Both CEE plugs with functional pole-to-pin allocation acc. to Czech CSN Standard, yet still in line with most European allocations
  • Standard plug option 1: Round, straightly shaped, 2-pole pin attachment contour central plug without earth contact (CEE 7/17 style), made of PVC, protection type IP 20 (not waterproof)
  • Standard plug option 2: Straightly shaped 2-pole SchuKo [earth contact] central plug (CEE 7/7 style) made of PVC, Schutzart IP 44 (spritzwasserdicht)
  • Segunda extremidade do cabo: Desencapado 3cm a partir da extremidade do cabo, sem solda/mecânico em condutores descascados Luvas para crimpagem crimpadas sem aba de conexão e com flange de metal crimpado no isolamento do condutor, de acordo com a DIN EN 60352-2
  • On request, close to standard product, and under additional LAPP part number: Additionally reinforced tensile strain relief between the cable's outer sheath and the plug's moulding

Classificação ETIM 5

  • ID da classe ETIM 5.0: EC001576
  • Classe de descrição ETIM 5.0: Cabo de alimentação

Classificação ETIM 6

  • ID da classe ETIM 6.0: EC001576
  • Descrição da classe ETIM 6.0: Cabo de alimentação

Cód. ident. cond.:

  • De acordo com VDE 0293-308 (tabela T9)

Projeto do condutor

  • Fio fino de acordo com VDE 0295 Classe 5/ IEC 60228 Classe 5

Raio de flexão mínimo

  • Flexão ocasional: 10 x diâmetro externo
  • Instalação fixa: 4 x diâmetro externo

Tensão nominal

  • Tensão nominal de 250 V do conector de acordo com VDE 0620-2-1 apenas relevante e permitida em relação à operação contínua de toda a confecção concluída
  • IEC nominal AC voltage classes of the integrated metre ware cable ÖLFLEX® 540 P by LAPP, depending on the nominal conductor cross section of the cable:U0/U = 300/500 V for cable conductors of 1 mm² and smaller,
    U0/U = 450/750 V for cable conductors not smaller than 1.5 mm²
    as reference for the maximum, permanent operating voltage of the entire harnessed assembly, but instead
    solely the rated voltage of the plug of 250 V
    acc. to VDE 0620-2-1 is permissible for the assembly)

Tensão de ensaio

  • Cabo montado: 2000 V

Condutor de proteção

  • G = com condutor de proteção verde/amarelo

  • Todos os valores apresentados relativos aos produtos são valores nominais, salvo indicação em contrário. Valores adicionais, como p. ex., tolerâncias, podem ser fornecidas sob pedido - desde que se encontrem disponíveis e liberados para publicação.
  • Preço base do cobre: EUR 150/100 kg. Consulte o apêndice T17 do catálogo para a definição e cálculo dos custos adicionais relacionados com o cobre.
  • 1 peça em saco de plástico
  • As imagens e gráficos demonstradas não são reprodução fiel do produto, são meramente ilustrativos
  • Respeite a indicação de segurança de acordo com DIN VDE 0620-1, Conectores e tomadas para a utilização doméstica e finalidades semelhantes - Parte 1: Exigências gerais, apêndice E: "Instalação somente por pessoas com experiência e conhecimentos eletrotécnicos relevantes!"